Monday, August 12, 2013


Today we stayed at OGC for our first day of our art class with Sandro's wife, Paula Metallo. Paula, originally from Syracuse, NY, is an exuberant artist who, having lived much of her life with a geologist, has been trying to tackle the relationship between science and art and integrating geology in her work for years. She is an interesting woman with great things to say about environmentally conscious art, the art of conducting scientific research, and the beauty in the natural world that scientists and artists revere in much the same way. We did a lot of basic exercises to get this crew of science students comfortable moving pencils across the page because while many of them are musicians, few have much experience making art. I will post pictures of the work my classmates and I make once we have some finished products that are a bit more interesting than these simple exercises.

Pipi joined us for art class and insisted that I pull up a chair just for her.

After class we had Italian as we have every day and will for the next couple weeks and then we had our first patio pizza dinner. Pizza was accompanied by wine that Sandro gets from one of his buddies for 1.40 Euro per liter, which is cheaper than gasoline. This is not the bung that we get in plastic bags in the States but tastes more like a $12-$15 bottle. Remarkable.

Palecinca and Pipi, the resident feline overseers of Coldigioco, watch the pizza oven as the fire gets going for dinner. As they can tell you, the fire is made right on the cooking surface and then three hours or so later the coals are pushed to the outside and the soot is blown off the surface to make room for the pizzas. Pairs of us then put toppings on small rounds of dough maybe 10 inches in diameter on a white or red sauce. Each pie only takes about three minutes to cook.

Our first rounds of bocce on the court right next to the patio with the pizza oven. Robbie throwing the ball while Alex and Sam wait for their next shot. Ah, a gloriously refined and tasty evening with new friends here at OGC.

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